Monday, March 23, 2009

Calling all prayer warriors...

Many of us know first hand the power of prayer! God tells us in Philippians 3:6-7 'be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.'

Many of you may be familiar with MCK's blog - she's the blog I got the 'Not Me! Monday' post from. The youngest of her four children, Stellan, is currently in the Children's Hospital in her hometown not doing well.

Please note that I am going to refer to members of this family by some 'different' names. This is how the writer of this blog refers to herself and her family members.

Long story short, Stellan(Mck Muffin) was diagnosed with a serious heart problem while still in the womb. He was not expected to live, but through much prayer and trust in God, he was born a happy and healthy baby. He has had no heart problems UNTIL last night. (I won't try to retell the story - click on the link above if you wish to read it.) Mck Muffin's heart is currently beating around 300 beats per minute, which we all know is too fast! They have tried everything they know, but nothing is working. Mck Mama is asking for prayers, and a lot of them! She and her husband, Prince Charming, are putting their trust in God. Please pray that:
* God's will be done with Stellan
* Mck Mama & Prince Charming continue to trust in God
* the doctors and nurses will be blessed with the knowledge they need to heal Stellan

We have seen miracles happen before, so get on your knees and start praying for little Stellan!!

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