Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm a survivor!

First, let me begin by thanking everyone for the sweet messages, texts, calls, emails, etc. Tuesday was very hard, but I made it! I survived! I desperately missed my sweet girl, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And, it was good practice for what I will be facing in August.

On my lunch break I called home to check on Becca and my mom put the phone up to her ear. I talked to her for a few minutes and she began 'talking' back. It was the sweetest sound! She also started laughing, which absolutely melted me:)
When I got home, we had some play time, and then later it was bath time. This is one of her favorite parts of the day - she is the happiest baby when you put her in the bathtub.

So, we can't figure out who Becca looks like. Some people say she looks just like me, others say she looks just like her daddy, and still others say she looks like Becca:)
We decided to see what you all think.

Here is Becca's two month picture as a reminder! Check out our baby pictures below to let us know who you think she looks like.

Here I am at 2 months old...

and here is JP at 2 months old.

So? Who does she look like? Leave us a comment letting us know what you think:)

This picture is just for fun. My mom still had this dress that I wore in my 2 month picture (above). I put it on Becca today and attempted to get a similar picture:)

She's certainly much sweeter:)

And finally, I can't end this blog without congratulating the USC baseball team on winning the national championship!
Way to go gamecocks!
Now hopefully this will rub off on our football team:)

The Pyles

Monday, June 28, 2010

Confessions of a New Mom #2

So, the tears have already started.
I mean, I knew this day was coming - I guess I've just chosen to put it in the back of my mind.
To not think about it.
For the longest time it seemed so far away.
But now that day is here.
The day I have to leave my sweet girl - ALL DAY.

Tomorrow I have to go to a training for work. It's from 8:30 - 4:00 and Becca will be staying with my mom. I'm not worried about her - I know she's in great hands. She'll have a great time playing with her GG. It's just that she's been with ME for so long. I carried her for nine months, and then for the past 11 weeks, it's been the two of us every day.

I know to some this probably seems rediculous. I mean, afterall, it's just eight hours. And in my mind I know that. I know that in another 6 weeks I'll be leaving her everyday, but that doesn't make it any easier.
My heart is absolutely broken tonight.
So if you think about it, say a little prayer for me. Pray that I will have peace and comfort tomorrow.

I mean, look at this precious angel. How do you say goodbye to something so sweet?

There's a lot of love in this sweet girl:)

And just for smiles, I wanted to share Becca's first picture in some of her Gamecock gear. She's cheering on her Cocks in the CWS!

Unfortunately, her boyfriend Hayes was pulling for the wrong team.

But don't worry. JP informed Hayes that if he wanted to date HIS daughter, he'd have to convert. No orange allowed in this house!

The Pyles

Thursday, June 24, 2010

when God made you...

Four years ago today I married my best friend.

We started dating my senior year at Winthrop.

We dated for about two years...

then we got engaged.

On June 24, 2006 we were married in front of our family and friends.

Since then, we've traveled together,

celebrated many holidays together,

we even built our house together.

But the absolute BEST thing we've done together is create this little miracle.

So tonight, as we celebrated our fourth anniversary, I couldn't help but look back at just how far we've come. Our lives certainly have changed over the past four years, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Thank you for the incredible life you have given me. You are an amazing husband, and I couldn't imagine life without you. I've enjoyed our four years together and look forward to many, many more. You are my everything and I can't wait to see what our future holds.
"When God made you, he must of been thinking about me!"
All of my love, always and forever.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

any man can be a father...

but it takes someone special to be a dad!

Why is this sweet girl so happy?

Because her Daddy loves her, of course.

In case you can't read her onesie, it says, "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy."

This year, Father's Day was very special since it was JP's first time celebrating this holiday as a dad.

We began the weekend with a Father's Day dinner at church on Saturday night.

On Sunday, we went to church like always, but this was certainly a special Sunday.

After church, we went to Sherry & Dave's house to celebrate Father's Day with them, my mom, and MaMaw (Jeremy's grandma).

Here is the extra special cake Sherry had made.

It says, "Happy Father's Day David and Happy 1st Father's Day Jeremy."

I've known since the day I met JP that he was an amazing person. We just fit together so well. As we grew in our relationship and talked about having children, I always imagined what kind of father he would be - Christian, fun, loving, strict, laid back, etc. (I know some of those contradict each other, but it depends on the situation.)

I never worried about whether he would be good at it.

While pregnant, I got a glimpse as to what kind of father he would be, but nothing could have prepared me for who he has become. From the moment he laid eyes on Becca, he has been so in love with her. One of my favorite things to do is watch the two of them together when they don't know I'm paying any attention. He is so gentle with her - all he has to do is look at her and you can see his love for her.
I know Becca is too young to tell him how much she appreciates him, so I will take this opportunity to speak for her.


From the first time you held me in the delivery room, I could tell how much you loved me. Sometimes when I'm upset, you're the only person who can calm me down. I love it when you kiss me and tickle me with your scruffy face, when you rock me and read me stories, and when you sit me in my Bumbo and talk to me. God blessed me a whole lot when he gave me you. Thank you for being the best Daddy, and thank you for loving my Mommy so much. I can't wait until I can talk to you and play with you. I know I've got a great life ahead of me. I love you always and forever:)


(I'm pretty sure that's exactly what she would say if she could talk!)

And even though this picture has nothing to do with Father's Day, I had to post it because it is just too cute:)

As if our he weren't busy enough taking care of his girls, he's also got an amazing garden he's worked very hard on. This garden is his best ever. He planted squash, zucchini, tomatoes, jalapenos, banana peppers, pole beans, bush beans, corn, and sunflowers for Mommy.

The dogs have even gotten in on the gardening fun.

Here's the pick from tonight. Look at all of these amazing vegetables! We're eating really well these days.

And here are the sunflowers JP planted for us. I can't believe how tall they are.

They look beautiful in the kitchen.

I hope everyone had a great Father's Day. I know we did! Make sure you check back tomorrow for another special blog post:)
The Pyles

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

two months already?

On Sunday this sweet angel turned 2 months old. I know I've said it before, but I can't believe it. Where does the time go?

She wore her new outfit to church on Sunday. She was precious!

Today she had her 2 month check up at the doctor. Dr. Geurkink said she was perfect!
She weighed 12lbs 9oz (she was 8lbs 3oz at birth)
She was 22.5 inches long (she was 20.25 inches at birth)
She did have to get 3 shots today - that was not fun at all, but she did great. She only cried for about 30 seconds. I think it was harder on Mommy than it was on her.

While we were waiting on the doctor, she was asleep and having sweet dreams!

Well, maybe not all of her dreams were sweet:(

The Pyles

Friday, June 4, 2010

Confessions of a New Mom #1

Everyone told me throughout my pregnancy that once we had the baby, time would fly by. That we would blink our eyes and she would be starting kindergarten, getting her drivers license, graduating from high school, etc. Nothing could have been a more true statement. I cannot believe that my baby is already 7 weeks old.

The other night I decided to go through Becca's closet and pack away anything she had already outgrown - mostly her newborn stuff. As I was doing this, I got teary eyed - I was very emotional. I found myself thinking that my baby was already growing up. How could this be happening? I felt like it was just yesterday that I was staring at a positive pregnancy test. I had to stop in order to keep myself together.

Now I realize how ridiculous this sounds - my head was telling me to get over it, but my heart wouldn't stop aching. I am very excited to watch Becca grow and see what the future brings, but I think a part of me will always miss my baby:)


On a lighter note, here are some recent pictures of my sweet girl!

taking a nap

can this really be comfortable?

my sweet onesie from Lala

wearing my sweet dress from GG to church

my happy, happy girl

laying with jack

tummy time will wear you out

I look like my daddy when I smile.

getting ready to go to a jewelry party at grandmommas

Mommy loves you more and more each day baby girl!