Tuesday, January 25, 2011

new title, new look

so, the change has begun.
my first change is...

the name.

i've never really had a name for the blog, and i felt like i needed one -
something fun,
something catchy,
something that described me.

i also wanted to have a blog makeover, unfortunately that wasn't in the budget this year month, so I had to do my own design! i've got a couple of other 'things' in the works:)

so why 'hormones & stretch marks'?
well, because you know when you have those bad hair body days?
you know the ones where you just feel fat and you can't manage to find ANYTHING in your closet to wear? and then you get yourself all worked up, and you start stomping around, and then before you know it you're crying?
well, it was one of those days that inspired my new blog name.
i seem to have those days more often now that i have carried a child within my womb.

the stretch marks, well, they're there to stay - i like to consider them my battle scars!
and the hormones, wow! nobody can prepare you for those. again, they just come with the mommy territory. i like to consider those jp's battle scars:)
and since we've survived the war (with battle scars to prove it), we're living our lives as new parents - one day at a time:)
so, welcome to hormones & stretch marks - enjoy!

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