Wednesday, April 20, 2011

prayers please

I’m coming to everyone to ask for prayers.

prayers for becca tomorrow.

prayers for this momma tomorrow.

we will be at children’s hospital tomorrow at 12:45 for becca to have two tests run. the first will be a kidney ultrasound, and the second will be the vcug test that i described here.

I know that she will be fine, and that she is too young to remember any of it, but pray that everything goes ok and that the results come back positive.

oh, and if you have a few extra seconds, pray that I make it through it all with very few tears!


Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure Brock had the same procedures done. He did great, and I'm sure she will too.

mary wood said...

Thinking of you, mama. It is never easy to see your babies go through something you feel helpless to fix. She's lucky you're hers.